- COCOA::atf3_chr1Atf3 binding regions.
- COCOA::brcaATACCoord1A GRanges object with coordinates for select BRCA ATAC-seq peak regions from chr1.
- COCOA::brcaATACData1A matrix with ATAC-seq counts in select peak regions from chromosome 1 for 37 patients.
- COCOA::brcaMCoord1A GRanges object with genomic coordinates for cytosines from chr1 for the package's built-in DNA methylation data
- COCOA::brcaMetadataA data.frame with patient metadata for breast cancer patients.
- COCOA::brcaMethylData1A matrix with DNA methylation levels from some CpGs on chromosome 1
- COCOA::brcaPCScoresA matrix with principal component scores for PCs 1-4 for four breast cancer patients.
- COCOA::brcaPCScores657A data.frame with principal component scores for PCs 1-4 for 657 breast cancer patients as well as a column with estrogen receptor status.
- COCOA::esr1_chr1Estrogen receptor alpha binding regions.
- COCOA::gata3_chr1Gata3 binding regions.
- COCOA::nrf1_chr1Nrf1 binding regions.
- COCOA::rsScoresExample COCOA Results (made up)
- GenomicDistributions::TSS_hg19hg19 TSS locations
- GenomicDistributions::cellTypeMetadataTable the maps cell types to tissues and groups
- GenomicDistributions::chromSizes_hg19hg19 chromosome sizes
- GenomicDistributions::exampleOpenSignalMatrix_hg19A dataset containing a subset of open chromatin regions across all cell types defined by ENCODE for Homo Sapiens hg19
- GenomicDistributions::geneModels_hg19hg38 gene models
- GenomicDistributions::setB_100Example BED file read with rtracklayer::import
- GenomicDistributions::vistaEnhancersExample BED file read with rtracklayer::import
- MIRA::bigBinDT1DNA methylation data for the "Applying MIRA to a Biological Question" vignette (1st part).
- MIRA::bigBinDT2DNA methylation data for the "Applying MIRA to a Biological Question" vignette (2nd part).
- MIRA::exampleAnnoDT1A data.table with annotation for a bisulfite sample.
- MIRA::exampleAnnoDT2Annotation data for the "Applying MIRA to a Biological Question" vignette.
- MIRA::exampleBSDTA data.table containing DNA methylation data.
- MIRA::exampleBSseqObjA small BSseq object.
- MIRA::exampleBinsA data.table with artificial binned methylation data
- MIRA::exampleRegionSetA Granges object with Nrf1-binding regions.